We heard of Barry Bond's doctor, Arthur Ting's boys getting juiced at USC. We witnessed Andy Pettitte's father scoring HGH for his boy. Roger Clemens's wife Debbie looked pretty youthful in the SI shoot. And possibly Romo's wife scoring something for him.
Now, Sports by Brooks points out EX-ESPN wild man Craig Sager's son, Craig Sager, looking very buff for UGA football.
It’s postseason baseball on TBS these days, which means we get to enjoy yet another season of Craig Sager wandering around on our television in his eye-scalding multi-colored horrorcoats, asking athletes and coaches tough questions like “How’s that going out there?” or “Is this game important to you?”
But there’s something you probably didn’t know about him: he has a son - also named Craig - on the Georgia football team. As in the SEC. And Spawn of Sager is a little unsettling.You’re probably wondering why you hadn’t heard of a Craig Sager on such a high-profile program like the Georgia Bulldogs.
The SEC was made for celebrities, after all! Turns out, he’s a walk-on and on Georgia’s scout team. He, um… he may not have been very highly recruited, as it turns out.
We noticed on Sager’s player profile page that while it lists a high school and a coach, it doesn’t list any stats. Usually, when players join a D-I team, even as walk-ons, their profiles are full of the best stats the information department can find, even if it’s “260 rushing yards as senior fullback - 4 touchdowns!!!” or “Did not play - injury!” or whatever. But nope. Nothing here.We did some digging, then, and we finally found some high school football stats (pops to .PDF file).
How did Sager Bomb light up the gridiron for the Walton Raiders as a senior? Well… 6 catches, 53 yards, 0 TDs. In Sager’s defense, though, that’s before he went Incredible Hulk on the world. After all, putting a wideout with those stats on a major college’s scout team while he just so happens to have a famous dad might raise some eyebrows if he were still the 6′2″, 170 rail he was in high school. However, as the above pictures (from Sager’s MYSPACE.COM profile) indicate, he’s certainly taking conditioning seriously. Very seriously. Uncomfortably seriously.
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