New reports indicated that para-olympian Oscar Psitorius possessed anabolic steroids, as well as plenty of alcohol.
And more:
he New York Post is referring to a 'roid rage', which is a ridiculous headline. Pistorius was well known to own weapons. He was also a drinker of some skill too. Furthermore there may be another male invloved in the mess. Sounds like many complications in this sad story.
Pistorius and family vehemently claim the girl was not murdered; 'mistaken identity' in a country high in break-ins and violence. However a bloody cricket bat, possible skull fractures in the girl, and a number of bullet wounds in the head could mitigate against any accidental shooting. How many house robbers stop in the bathroom for a break?
Pistorius supporters are blaming society, the media, the muppets, and who knows who else.
"There is something fundamentally wrong with our society," Henke Pistorius said. "We build people up into heroes, who overcome immense challenges, only to take great glee in breaking them down"
Always a headline, and often not representing the complex interactions that lead to violence, the use af anabolic steroids can significantly increase aggressiveness, however would not be the single proximal cause of this kind of violent aggression.
Interesting that one doesn't hear of Olympic athletes involved in felony violence. Also interesting that Pistorius was on a competition cycle; wonder if the anabolic steroids found (if that is true) will mitigate some of his championships?