Obviously we have been out of the doping scene over the past few weeks, but what a time to come back. Hot stories on Floyd Landis, Lance Armstrong, Brian Cushing. Interesting but weren't these controversial names a few years back with much vitriol spewed at those who would ever consider these athletes cheated.
The Landis story broke late Wednesday (ESPN) when he admitted to years of PED (EPO , blood doping, and steroids) use.
In a lengthy phone interview last night with ESPN.com's Bonnie Ford, cyclist Floyd Landis admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs for most of his career, including in 2006 when he tested positive and was stripped of his Tour de France victory and handed a two-year ban from the sport. "I want to clear my conscience,'' he said. "I don't want to be part of the problem any more.'' Landis also confirmed that he sent emails to cycling and anti-doping officials over the past few weeks, implicating dozens of other athletes, including Lance Armstrong, team management and owners, as well as officials of the sport's national and international governing bodies. ESPN is seeking further evidence and comment from those individuals. Meanwhile, the head of cycling's world governing body questions Landis' credibility, telling The Associated Press that Landis is "seeking revenge" and holds a "grudge" against Lance Armstrong and others.
The Landis email are excerpted here by ESPN. He admitted to at least EPO as well as implicated Armstrong.
Of course there will be the Armstrong defenders, as if no one learns the lessons from history on athlete denials over 'roids and PEDs.
When I want to clear my conscience, or refresh my mind, I used to claim mountain.
Posted by: manning jersey | 05/21/2010 at 02:04
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Posted by: louis vuitton | 05/21/2010 at 04:21
Really glad you guys are back. I was worried for a while that Steriod Nation was no more, especially as the Mayweather v Pacquiao drug testing debacle came and went without a comment.
Drugs in sport is a topic that fascinates me like no other and this blog is one of a list of sites that really help me kill time at work! I hope the updates keep coming.
Posted by: David | 05/21/2010 at 05:10
I echo what David said below. Hope you keep commenting and posting.
Floyd's account, assuming it's true, is a pretty interesting look into what happens. A bit sad though - I mean, if they are taking the same things, why not just compete without the drugs. I guess it's something you can't stop at this point.
Posted by: Diana | 05/21/2010 at 15:02
What else is new? i wouldn't expect any less.
I see parallels between Landis and Canseco and Armstrong & Palmero. Sooner or later it will comeout about Armstrong.
tick tock tick tock Lance
Posted by: cheatersjustice | 05/21/2010 at 15:03
It's shame that Floyd didn't have the courage to come clean after the '06 Tour...At this point his credibility will be easy to question and use against him...and without a doubt LA & his people will be on the offensive (the best defense is a good offense as LA proves time & time again)
Money & power will bury Landis...but there is no reason to not believe Floyd...much of what he's said pieces together with what others have laid out previously (David Walsh, etc)
Unfortunately unless others such as Heras, Hamilton, Andreau, etc go on the record it will be too easy for LA to crush Landis in the mass media.
There is too much ($$$) at stake to have Lance fall, & too many people who will do their damnedest to make sure that doesn't happen.
How this plays out will be fascinating none the less.
Posted by: Mick | 05/21/2010 at 21:58
Here's a little about the statistics behind PED tests: among other things, the false negative is something the media always fails to talk about. Athletes (and labs) hide behind false negatives.
Posted by: Kaiser | 05/21/2010 at 22:43
Welcome Back, Steroid Nation! It was feeling a little lonely in the steroid blog business for the past couple of months. Don't forget the other big story just out, which is that Tiger was named in the HGH muck-up, along with Santana Moss and any number of unnamed players. It will be interesting to see how long Armstrong supporters will continue the denial.
Posted by: tennis roids | 05/22/2010 at 16:03
Glad you're rupdating the blog again, didn't seem fair you being the number one steroid blog and not being updated :-)
It won't surprise me if the new cycling steroid witch hunt takes out 75% of the top names this year. I bet they are all trying to get sqyeaky clean ASAP.
Posted by: Steroids | 05/26/2010 at 03:02
I have no idea why cycling is even popular as a sport, not exactly exciting to watch, the road side blood transfusions would have been interesting viewing though.
Posted by: Steroids Blog | 05/27/2010 at 01:12
Good bless you !
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Posted by: Diogenes | 05/29/2010 at 17:40
Great to see you make a come back.
Interesting to see how this develops towards Lance. Only truly naive can think him to be clean.
Hopefully you´ll comment the WADA funded HGH study in Journal of Internal Medecine.
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Posted by: clay matthews jersey | 06/09/2010 at 21:49
No suprise there. EPO is common and top athletes have had a window the last couple years, where new drugs have been available (for the ones with contacts) for which there has been no drug tests available. SARMs is one of those. Some rumors about use of early Myostatin inhibitors as well.
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Posted by: noname2no | 07/04/2010 at 16:39
That is his opinion. We can't do anything about. If that is what he is thinking about that? Let him say that. All we can do is pray for him.
Posted by: dining room table | 07/10/2010 at 00:54
It is a pity that sometimes there are such cases, probably doubly annoying when the person makes their sweat and labor medal, and then he has taken away the victory. Maybe these problems will arise in the future is clarified what is all the same drugs can affect the human body and lead to a result here.
Posted by: dianabol | 07/20/2010 at 09:32
That is his opinion. We can't do anything about. If that is what he is thinking about that? Let him say that. All we can do is pray for him.
Posted by: Discount Louis Vuitton | 07/22/2010 at 09:11
Good way to clear his CONSCIENCE, by denouncing other steroid users. I'm not for using steroids in sports but let the anti-doping commission to do their job. I'm pretty sure if he hadn't been tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs he would have used it till today.
Posted by: Sven | 10/11/2010 at 07:57
Good way to clear his CONSCIENCE, by denouncing other steroid users. I'm not for using steroids in sports but let the anti-doping commission to do their job.
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