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Dave Leyshon

Unfortunately Dr. Gaffney, I thought that Greg LeMond was a little disappointing at the conference. I was pleased to lose a days pay to hear Greg's thoughts on "A champions look at the cycling world today", but he seems to have a rather jaundiced view of professional cycling now, but maybe that's justified after what he's had to undergo.

However I have to say that your presentation was both informative, and sometimes amusing; it's a pity that you ran out of time.


Apologize for calling this Conference WADA's conference ... Luckily it's nobodys conference than Play the Game's conference.


Sammy Sosa took steroids.Where are you guys?


Our guide will come back. He must. My overriding question is 1)How and why and for what end did the players' own union collude and conspire to make a list of its players and their samples when the testing was negotiated with management to be anonymous and for overall information purposes only? Without he government's bullying theatrics in the Bary Bonds case, even that level of treachery would never have come out. How corrupt is the entire enterprise?


Bud Selig is in full blame.He knew just like owners and the Union that PEDS were being abused in uncontrolable levels and looked the other way.Just like children the players took it to a level were it is obvious you can't hide it.

Sad the players take full blame thats why the whole "Anonymous" list is funny when you have names to go with the samples.

Busted Supplements

Dr. Gaffney, please share details of your presentation at this conference. Dave Leyshon reported it was informative and amusing. A great educator both amuses and educates. Look forward to hearing more about it.


All the conference papers are online here

Hope you enjoyed sunny Coventry!

Busted Supplements

Thanks for the link Helen. Amazing that the presentations are up for public access. Not many medical conferences will do that. Downloaded about 15 of them. Great stuff. Wish I could have been there.

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