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Jake Alexander

Umm...his name is not Jeremy. It's Justin


really? Jeremy? dumbasses....its Justin


No, yo all dumb. His name is African Gatlin. Get it Right!

tennis roids

Ridiculous. Anyone who wants to can be in and out of a doctors office diagnosed with ADHD. He took Adderal, which is good quality speed to help his good quality speed...

Steroid Nation

Sorry about mistyping Justin Gatlin's first name as 'Jeremy". Somehow that got into our brains.

But calling us 'dumbasses' for one mistake? The anonymity of the Internet continues...


Well, Tennis Roids, that is the problem. There are so many anti-age clinics that sell those drugs. I have allergies and can't race very well during this time of the year. I avoid to take any over the counter medication. So many athetes take ashtma medications. Some don't even have ashtma. It is ridicuous easy to get a doctor's prescription for anything these days.

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