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« Clay Matthews: 6-1 165 high school junior to 6-3 246 NFL draftee | Main | Weird 'doping photos' of ex-New York Ranger star Alexei Cherepanov »



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Well, I was hoping they finally caught Bolt, but obivously we are talking about distance runners, so probably no shorter a race than the 800 and more likely the mile, 10,000 and marathon. I didn't follow it closely. Anyone win 2 of those events (male or female)? I'll check now...

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Okay, I'm betting on Rashid Ramzi from Bahrain in the 1500 meters. The rest of the winners in the distance events were Kenyans and Ethiopians. Not that they are beyond doping, but he just seems to stand out. We'll find out soon, I think.

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Well I didn't follow it closely so not a big idea about it. But I am sure they finally caught the bolt and win the race.

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Unfortunately there are so many athletes in the last period which are tested positive...

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I searched for this theme! The rest of the winners in the distance events were Kenyans and Ethiopians. Not that they are beyond doping, but he just seems to stand out. We'll find out soon, I think.

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The rest of the winners in the distance events were Kenyans and Ethiopians. Not that they are beyond doping, but he just seems to stand out. We'll find out soon, I think.

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The IOC said it tested a total of 948 samples after developing new tests for CERA and insulin, the diabetes treatment that has some performance-enhancing properties. The insulin re-test, performed on 101 urine samples, didn't result in any positives. But the CERA test identified seven positives for six athletes.

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I searched for this theme! The rest of the winners in the distance events were Kenyans and Ethiopians. Not that they are beyond doping, but he just seems to stand out. We'll find out soon, I think.

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