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tennis roids

It's suspicious that he cut his hair shorter right after getting a hair sample taken. As if he wanted to cut away any further evidence.

Steve W

You guys are complete idiots. Dajka hasn't competed on a serious level in many years. To suggest his death is related to EPO, which sprinters like him don't even use, is just shoddy journalism.

I'll bet my car keys it's related to his depression, not PEDs. Shame on you.

Steroid Nation

You missed the point.

First we did not link his death directly to PEDs.

More importantly are the long lasting effects of these drugs. That is the point. The short acting effects may be the increase of muscle or blood cells. However long term, there could be brain changes that may complicate depression. There could be more vulnerability to depression and alcoholism.

Furthermore, there can be chronic effect on the heart. You can't easily change damage to heart muscle or blood vessels.

Again, you missed the point completely. You can't think short term. We know it isn't popular these days, but think long term health effects.

tennis roids

Oops, my above comment was meant for the Lance Armstrong story above it. I'll add it to that story.


Actually, Steve W. does say something of value though I've read this blog for too long to be readily judgemental, I know there are lines I myself would not cross.

Take for example, the case of Frederick Nolf, Belgian who passed away during the Tour of Qatar in which he was riding and a handsome strapping looking lad of 21 years old.

You certainly wonder about the fellow and if one follows the story, once his body was back in Belgium the family did not allow an autopsy.

For the record, as I mentioned here about 8 weeks ago, Marion Jones, The Sprinter did fess up to using epo. Now see, she is a sprinter but confessed to using epo so it would not seem to be unheard of.

But when someone dies, I'm wary to speculate, however, when one sees this happen to a young European cyclist, dying in bed of a heart attack, there seem to have been other cases of especially Dutch (Holland, the neighboring country) and perhaps a few Belgian young men. There are a lot of details to the death and it was diagnosed as a "natural death" in Qatar.

It's a close call and I'm not sure I am clearly putting my facts together.

The famed cyclist Marco Pantani interestingly enough suffered from depression and the like. His death I believe has always been called death through cocaine or a suicide.

A sensitive subject. Feedback?

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