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tennis roids

WADA has a point, but they really need to catch some of these guys. They aren't just using steroids in the off-season.


They just caught a team on "match fixing": UEFA did. If the sport has this illness that shows itself from time to time, surely the sport has these other kinds of problems as well.


A Macedonian club getting quizzed over match fixing. In recent years, clubs in Poland and Belgium have been caught as well as Italy's big scandal. It makes you think that more or less, no country is untouched by this save England.

You mix in soccer's problem's with hooliganism and the diving and injury faking in the world cup and it's popularity in Spain and Italy, two countries that I believe have had their share of doping athletes let alone Russia and the old USSR and I think there are a lot of elements that would lead one to believe that there must be some doping going on. There is plenty of history with the use of amphetamines long ago though I would draw a blank as to the rate of drug use. Painkillers are obviously used. There is some player who wrote a "Ball Four" type of book, played in the French league.

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Incredibly inspiring article, Thank you !?!

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