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Rationalization, yes, but these guys get one shot or maybe two at the Olympics (no pun intended). Either they make it or they don't. If they don't take the 'roids and everyone else does, they don't get a Gold Medal sent to their homes after coming in fourth at the trials when the other competitors are disqualified.
The irony is that this atmosphere is to some extent created by the pusher Conte, who gets other athletes on his 'roids, then says you can't compete with them unless you use it.


It's also the old, "I was good without the steroids" load of crap. It's like Arnold saying he's won bodybuilding contests with and without drugs.

In an athlete's mind, it could be true that the drugs don't help that much. After all, it's impossible to distinguish when you're taking something. I reckon that's why Lance is coming back. He probably thinks he's still that good even without the drugs. I reckon he'll find out otherwise the first time he tries to climb one of those hills and it's just not there.


He's English, I assume the book will be here too but I don't know how soon.

What a way to earn a Pound and as I said, he just set a European record in Italy.

60 m in 6.46 seconds.


I wanted to amend my comment: their athletes are best called "British" athletes as they run for Great Britain. I'm reading one source saying he's English with Afro-Caribean roots so for Olympic-type sports, I wanted to correct myself and call him British.

Supras Shoes

Think about it Beans is better than both Game and Buck so kick them and add that monster is a real good look for G-Unit!!!

UGG Greenfield

I must say this is indeed a very good novel, though, I have just reached about half way down the road reading the novel but has been the one that has always kept me interested in it. I just can't keep myself to get done

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