Ron Kittle, an ex-Rookie of the Year for the Chicago White Sox expresses his fears for the health and safety of steroid user/singer Joe Canseco. Touching,and perhaps true. True as steroid supplier to the NFL, bodybuilders, and the police David Jacobs found out in Plano TX (possibly whacked).
The Chicago Tribune tells the tale:
Canseco, an admitted steroid abuser, was chastised when his first book came out in 2005 linking several big-name players to performance-enhancing drugs. Subsequent revelations impugning the likes of Rafael Palmeiro, Barry Bonds and Alex Rodriguez have vindicated him.
"My first thought was: 'I wonder who's going to be the first one to shoot him,' " Kittle said Monday. "I still think somebody who might have had their life ruined might take vengeance on him. If I were [Canseco], I would think about that.
"That's how I look at things. Maybe it's the wrong way, but I think in [bad] economic times when kids are exposed to it and they get to the big leagues to make the money, they will do [steroids]. But it's the wrong path. It's a quick fix."
Canseco, Kittle said, crossed a line when he chose to expose others.
"There is a sign in just about every clubhouse: 'What you see here, what you say here, let it stay here when you leave here,' " he said.
Wow, interesting warning. As with track, cycling, and football, the code of silence that keeps player's mouths shut and the syringes active. Did Kittle, a decent slugger ever use 'roids:
"I knew it was accessible," he said. "I had known about [steroids] for years. When I broke my neck in the minors, I saw people using stuff like that to get their health back into shape.
"But I was more scared of my father than I was of anything else. I thought that if I did something stupid, my father would probably take my life away anyway."
Kittle knows the tell-tale signs of juicers:
Kittle is right about complexion being a sign/symptom. The skin can take on a redish or purpleish tint. In the old days we called juicers "Purple People Eaters".
So let's see if we can get ownership, management, coaches, media and medical staff to recoginze the tell tale signs listed below when a professional is using. Also, parents, teachers and school administrators need to be on the lookout for some of the symptoms when kids are involved.
- Redish or purpleish does not look like a tan or sunburn.
- Recently overdeveloped body parts...coathanger shoulders.
- Acne on the back and shoulders.
- Substantial mass & weight gains without adding body fat.
- Distended (bloated), but muscular abdominal wall...HGH use.
- Braces on older professional athletes...HGH use.
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