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My friend isn't a drug addict, yet he suffers from gynecomastia . It's intolerable for him to feel girls' surprised glances on him. He is going to undergo a surgery. But I think that first he should consider alternative medications and then only undergo a surgery.

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If you get man boobs just from weight problem then surgery is really not necessary there are many effective treatments available, however I guess hormone problems caused by steroid abuse does need different approach. This is just one more reason to stay away from this stuff. Excellent article by the way, love your blog and read it regularly!

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Nowadays, men are very open to changes, especially if it will help them to look good or "macho". But this have substances that could affect our health.

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According to one men’s health site, the cost of gynecomastia surgery in London appears to be around 4000 British pounds (US$6485) and takes about 90 minutes.

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Gynecomastia is becoming a lot more common. There's nothing wrong with a man wanting to look good. Millions of women do it every year.

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Youth is hungry for a good looking physique but instead of acquiring it naturally going with anabolic steroids would not be a good idea as there are side effects of that as well one such is stated here.

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This is your view as well as surgeon views that how to treat any particular procedure for what purpose. Whether it is need or not?

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Gynecomastia is brought about by a lot of factors, natural (ex. obesity) or artificial (ex. medicines). People should know the risks involved in whatever it is they intake. Gynecomastia may not always cause serious health risks, but it does hurt self-esteem.

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