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« Doping 'scandal' in elite chess tournament: Russian grand master pissed about urine test | Main | For whom the bell tolls: Brother of 'Bigger Stronger Faster' filmmaker -- Mike Bell -- dies at 37 »




I don't have the links, and I'm not sure anything was ever stated for the record, given HIPAA and collective bargaining type concerns, but it was reported and speculated that Miles was suspended for diet pills, not PED's.


pope ben

brian is awesome

Dentists Oceanside

Steriods will make your muscle and head largely enough when you poke them it will blow your mind away.


Steroids is not healthy for you..

Nutritional Guidelines

Steroids could really make you half of a person. Takes forever for the liver to metabolize them.

oscar buenanoche

What is Charles Barkley doing checking out Don MacLean out naked ? Charles is my favorite announcer in any sport and has come a long way particular considering he is a Bama. The 'ol Auburn round mound trimmed down quite a bit in the middle of his career but has put back on the beef. I'm a Washington DC boy - I use that term "boy" lightly but I am about 10 years older than Chuckie.

I now live in San Antonio and loved it when Charles said "thar ain't no skinny women on San Antonio and my fat ass would be right at home down there." He tells it like it is but Charles may be giving up too much info when he speaks of MacLean butt ass naked !

Mulberry Bayswater Outlet

It's great to hear from you and see what you've been up to. In your blog I feel your enthusiasm for life. thank you.

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This watch is not heavy and once I first put it on I even forgot it was there due to its light weight. I can’t speak to its longevity but for now I am extremely pleased with the watch. The three alarms at first seemed like overkill, but now I use two on a regular basis and use the third alarm as a reminder to head off in time for an appointment.

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