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Millard Baker

Ramon Scruggs was NOT busted for fraudulent insurance claims. The Cleveland Plain-Dealer was WRONG. They have corrected their story having edited their story after you posted yours.

Millard Baker

I stand corrected. I was mistaken. The Cleveland Plain-Dealer only changed the introduction to the article:

CLEVELAND -- A Cleveland police officer, former firefighter and former paramedic face drug and theft charges accusing them of illegally obtaining steroids and submitting bogus claims to an insurance company to cover the cost.

Steroid Nation

Actually my story is not totally correct, but I went with it anyway. Dr. Scruggs was not busted for steroids, but for insurance fraud. I don't if if insurance fraud means that much to readers, but it does to doctors...I know a couple who spent time at Leavenworth for fraud.

Christina Van Horik

Here we go again! Ignorance at it's finest.
Dr. Scruggs has always had a "cash only" practice.
He has nothing to do with insurance. Isn't slander and libel against the law, you should be more careful.

Millard Baker

Actually, I think your original story was correct. I have only read that Scruggs was indicted for "illegally writing prescriptions for Schedule III Steroids" (according to Chuyahoga County DA) and "13 counts of drug distribution" (according to press accounts).

The insurance fraud (theft) charges were associated with Tuleta, Romey and Otero.

I wish the press would publish the actual charges (based on Ohio statutes) so this would be clear.

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