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Tim Watt

" Borchin, you can be sure, celebrated his medal without a shred of guilt, among peers who wouldn't even question how he did it. Physically they are supremely healthy human beings; morally they are sick to the core."

I can't know or guess the inner feelings of morality if he is guilty, but I'm damn sure your comment,"Seriously, we call for legalizing PEDs and doping...." makes no sense in the light of the above given how much of a moral leadership is shown by clean athletes such as Jefferson Peréz.

Steroid Nation

Yeah, sorry mistyped on that didn't we?

In a way, legalizing some PEDs might slightly clean up sports, in that competitors who want to use PEDs would do so under medical supervision. However, that is a slippery slope that might require all athletes to use PEDs to keep up with the others. And lord knows this world has an illicit drug problem the way it is (you are correct we need leadership on the issue).

We corrected our line above...


Racewalking is a joke anyway. If you cannot qualify for the olympics as a runner, then do something else with your life. There isn't olympic swimming and then olympic sidestroking for people who chose to sidestroke because all the better athletes swam real events.

They should test the racewalkers for presence of testicles, I'm sure it would be 100% negative.


After all, professionalism is a kind of PED. Money is a good performance enhancement device for almost everything.


chiefhiawatha, if you're looking for a joke just in the mirror - a@@.


chiefhiawatha: I agree with Nick. These athletes train hard and give it their all. If you knew a little bit about the sport and the effort that goes into it, maybe you'd think differently. But I doubt it. Why don't you do something else with YOUR life instead of making fun of people who work hard.


chiefhiawatha: When was the last time you saw your toes? Or those other things you mentioned? Better go take a walk!!

Nancy Leo

How sad that chiefhiawatha is so ignornant of the sport of race walking which has a long and proud tradition in the Olympics. If he or she, since the chief chooses to hide his/her identity behind a psuedonom, researches the history of past Olympics, it will be to discover that right from the get-go race walking was a separate and respected event apart from running. As to the allegations of race walkers using PEDs, I suspect that some of them are, just like the participants of other events. We have to hope that the majority of elite walkers are clean and in the absence of any hard evdience to the contrary, we simply admire the walkers for their superb physical conditionning.

Dave McGovern

"There isn't olympic swimming and then olympic sidestroking for people who chose to sidestroke because all the better athletes swam real events."

This is an absurd argument that invalidates the point you're trying to make. There IS Olympic butterfly, and backstroke and breaststroke for athletes who may or may not be the best freestyle swimmers. They are ALL great athletes. ALL Olympic runners and ALL Olympic racewalkers are great athletes--even if some of them have to dope to be the best athletes.

Dave McGovern


His peers did question how he did it and voiced their disgust to the waiting media after the Olympic 20km walk, see post race interviews with Australian Luke Adams the 6th place getter. Jefferson Perez was basically forced to shake the cheating bastard Borchin's hand at the medal ceremony. It's very sad these systematic dopers keep getting away with it! Kanykin has walked 1.16.20 in 2009 (56 seconds under current WR he set before going positive) whilst serving his doping ban! WADA need to get in there again and again and test every last one of them until they're all gone and banned for life! One positive test should equal a life ban but unfortunately we need them to go positive twice in their career to be banned for good!

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let's join our hands together to stop this kind of wrong doings. It may risk lives in the future if we just let them continue.

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