1. New York slice and ditch murderer feasted on "a diet of steroids, cocaine and health food.". Now that's logical. The Gothamist
2. Florida Marlin MILB pitcher Daniel Gil caught with steroids. The AP
3. Tara Kirk (above) who finished behind banned swimmer Jessica Hardy, left out in the cold. That sucks. Where is the logic? Kirk should be going to Beijing, end of story. (WCSN Blog)
4. The Daily Mail says the IOc and the WADA conducting a blitz campaign against dopers at the Olympics.
5. Six riders test positive at the Tour de Columbia...including the top riders there. (Colombia Report)
Dear Gary,
I hope you can correct the spelling of Colombia. Thanks for the link.
Colombia Reports
Posted by: Adriaan Alsema | 08/03/2008 at 21:07
The picture above is Dana Kirk, Tara's sister.
Posted by: | 08/14/2008 at 00:59
The picture above is Dana Kirk, Tara's sister.
Posted by: | 08/14/2008 at 01:00
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