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Vladimir Gusev and Vladmir Gusau are the same person, I think. Certainly am only aware of one Russian cyclist missing the Games. Am not sure it's fair to list Ivan Basso - he's been suspended for about a year now. Riccardo Riccó - was he Olympics-selected in July? The other two cyclists - Anderson Riis and Bastianelli - are correct.

Similarly, I would object to Dwain Chambers' inclusion on the list. The BOC didn't want to include him and hadn't selected him. He tried to force them to select him and failed. If you're going to have him why not have David Millar as well, who was similarly blocked from competing for a place on the squad, but didn't appeal his exclusion?

Great list and hope you don't mind these suggestions to improve it.


Maybe they should just make Roids legal. Besides the roid rage and teste shrinkage, o and the permanent damage they do to your heart they are good for you.

Really though they should probably have testing in the years prior to olympic games. Mandatory random test for the pre-roster athletes.

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That's a big list! They'll never win the fight.

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