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sal m

with the drugs that these track athletes used - and are using - opining that an athlete is clean because of their appearance is a bad move. not all of these PEDs will result in extraordinary muscle mass and looking at photos of marion jones when she was using is a good example of the problems with the appearance-based approach.

Larry D

Sal has a good point. Effects of the drugs on appearance depend on training. A lot of male athletes like to have big biceps because it looks good on the cover of a magazine but it doesn't necessarily add to performance.


It depends what kind of sport you do. For example, if you are a long distance runner, I don't see any reason why you want to gain muscle because it would just slow you down. So EPO probably would be the PED to take. If you are a weightlifter, You need muscle and power, so steroids would help you to gain muscle and recover faster. Marion Jones and other sprinters were in a combination of drugs. Also EPO helps sprinters.

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