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Millard Baker

Just for the sake of accuracy, Victor Conte did NOT say all his athletes took Viagra. Once again, the press takes a statement out of context.

Conte was actually speaking about the over-the-counter sport nutrition supplements called nitric oxide boosters, NOT Viagra.

Here is the original Conte quote with appropriate context from NYDN.

"All my athletes took it," BALCO founder Victor Conte, whose acolytes included Jason Giambi, Barry Bonds and Marion Jones, said of an over-the-counter supplement he claimed mimicked the effects of Viagra.

"It's bigger than creatine. It's the biggest product in nutritional supplements."

The Times Online got it wrong in its enthusiasm to accuse athletes of using yet another performance enhancing drug.

Steroid Nation

We changed the paragraph linked to the Conte quote, and noted your correction. Thanks.

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