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Gary Beck

Glad to see that the science of the case was ignored as evidenced by the court scolding Landis. Why doesn't the high T/E ration show up in test samples taken on other days?!?!?? Either the tests made on those samples are in error or the tests made on the initial samples are in error. Also the testosterone should be present in diminishing levels as it is metabolized over time but alas it is not present at all!!! The court, by including comments about Landis' defense, shows that extraneous factors beside the science of the case were included. Shame on CAS you were called on to judge the scientific evidence of the case and you acted as the lapdog of the USADA and WADA both of which have shown a callous disregard for their own rules as well as for fairness!!


Stop apologizing for the drug cheat. Are you a chemist, I would guess no. You knowledge on levels of diminished of foreign agents in the human body is gleamed from? I would hazard a guess its from some other armchair scientist. You make these statments like you actually have some knowledge or authority to do so. It is sad and old. Landis is found GUILTY, FACT. HE IS ACCORDING TO THE LEGAL AND TESTING PROCESS A CONVICTED DRUG CHEAT, FACT. Read the findings without you Landis fan boy jersey on and you will see that they address everything , just don't give the answers you want.
My only regret is it didn't carry the death penalty.


Wow Paul, death penalty for cheating in a sporting event? I'd rather save that for the rotten SOB's who invented all these new financial instruments that are gonna push the world to the brink of a new depression - while they sit back and count the billions they banked.

While we're discussing accuracy of scientific data and death penalty, let's not forget the death row inmates who've been exonerated when the evidence against them was analyzed with newer, more modern techniques. In 20 years, we'll have even better testing technologies and capabilities that will condemn some and exonerate others. No, I'm not a chemist, armchair or otherwise, but I do have a PhD in electrical engineering. I do peer reviews for technical journals from time to time. There are instances where one cannot directly dispute the author's data or methods but it just doesn't have the right feel to it. In the case of Landis, I think the outcome is correct, but the means it was arrived at seems a bit suspect.

Oprah Noodlemantra

Hey Paul, here's another question: are you a chemist? Judging from how you have just proven yourself as an entirely unintelligent, incompetent, and unaware moron, I'm going to not only hazard a guess but know for a fact that you aren't. Also, I can hereby state without fear of contradiction that you know nothing of the facts of this case. Nothing-- at all. Have you read Landis's book? Obviously, you have not. Have you studied the case at all? Clearly, you haven't. Instead, you would rather come on here and make comments on something that you know nothing about. It is people like you who, Paul, who make up the vast majority of the population: ignorant, uniformed, oblivious, and-- to compound these already undesirable traits-- too lazy to find anything out on your own, too lazy search for the facts and identify what is true and what is false because you have already made up your mind and refuse to believe anything else.

And my only regret is that your stupidity doesn't carry the death penalty.


I think that you all have valuable opinions and that we should agree to dissagree.

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ignorant, uniformed, oblivious, and-- to compound these already undesirable traits-- too lazy to find anything out on your own, too lazy search for the facts and identify what is true and what is false because you have already made up your mind and refuse to believe anything else.

And my only regret is that your stupidity doesn't carry the death penalty.

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