Might it be possible to hold a drug-free clean Olympics? Ask Victor Conte, as CBCSports did:
A drug-free Olympic Games is too much to expect, says Victor Conte, the man who served four months in a California prison for distributing steroids to Olympic and professional athletes.
"No, I think that is an unrealistic goal," he told CBCSports.ca. "I think it can be cleaned up substantially, if those with the money and the capacity to clean it up express a genuine desire to do so. But not 100 per cent."
Are there Olympians who compete drug free? (maybe in curling)
Conte does not believe all Olympic-calibre athletes use drugs. He says there are some "genetically gifted athletes" who achieve Olympic success without drugs. He does contend, however, that he knows of several world championship and Olympic finals where all the athletes used performance-enhancing drugs.
When asked how he can make such an inflammatory statement, Conte admits he has supplied most of the female athletes in one world championship sprint final himself. As for the others, he claims he has it on good authority that they were being supplied with performance-enhancing drugs by associates.
Also interesting that Conte knows other elite athletes, who juiced on 'The Clear':
Conte says there are others ("less than 10") who used "The Clear" whose names have never been revealed and some are world champions. Unless they tell lies about him he says he will not reveal their names. He says he has never supplied performance-enhancing drugs to Canadians.
A little less-than-subtle threat there, huh? More Conte principles:
"Eighty per cent of the testing should be out of competition and not at meets," Conte says, "Number two, focus on the top-20 athletes. Instead of testing the top-50 twice, test the top-20 five times.
"They are the only athletes who get the lanes, win the medals and make the money. Throw your hook into the pond where you know the fish are biting. At competitions that's more IQ testing than drug testing because you have got to be pretty dumb to test positive at a competition."
That makes sense, going to where the money is (Sutton's Law..Willie not Eddie). However those elite athletes often receive breaks from testers. How to beat a test? Here is one way:
Conte explained to CBCSports.ca how some elite athletes evade out of competition testing..."They fill out a whereabouts form and say they are going to place X and they go to place Y. Then if the tester shows up the worst consequence is they get a missed test," says Conte. "But they have also got a short cycle of steroids under them. It's like strike one in baseball, you are still up to bat. Then you change and instead of Y you go to X next time. I have calculated the odds of them coming to test you when you give misinformation on your form. It's about 25 to 1. Those are pretty good odds...
"They fill up their own cell phones so that when the testers call it says. 'Sorry, the mailbox is full, you can't leave a message.' Then the testers call other numbers. By the time they show up the athletes are clear, and they test negative. What's the worst consequence? It's a missed test."
See what Abundance is; love yourself for what it is, not what you’re missing, or what that can be better, but for what it is at this present moment.
Posted by: coach purses | 07/08/2010 at 02:41