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« Antonio Pettigrew admits PED use: HGH and EPO | Main | What will the NFL do with David Jacobs's steroid testimony? »




I can't wait for Michael Johnson to confess his doping case, common now 19.32 and 43.18 let me get some of that man


I think the same way. Michael Johnson is dirty as hell. I have seen him training in my local track a few years back. I have never seen someone train so fast without any sweat. He can't be that dominant for so long in an environment filled with drugs, without making part of the this system.


Just because athletes are extraordinary does not mean they are taking PED's. Just as there are geniuses with extraordinary minds, there are athletes with extraordinary bodies.


Bob I am with you. Plus you have to remember Mike ran 19.32 after some gruling rounds of 400 meter. This is why Mike had to retire early because you can't keep taking PED's for a long time it messes your body up. But his time might be coming soon. Can't wait for that to happen.


U guys are crazy! Get a life! So now every athlete thats fast has to be using steroids? COme on now! Get your minds together. Michael never tested positive and I dont think he would ever. He didnt retire early if you guys were athletes like myself you would be able to really tell whats going on. Get a life and go find something else to talk about!

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