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sal m

the fact that loduca and other baseball players who got caught purchasing PEDs haven't been suspended is a joke. we're not talking about a court of law, so there's no reason that he and gagne and gary matthews jr and others should be playing.

the NFL has there own problems, and guaranteed more guys are using hgh/igf-1/insulin and other PEDS than are baseball players. however, when rodney harrison got caught red handed purchasing HGH and shawne merriman failed his drug test they got suspended for a quarter of the regular season.

selig is a joke and will never solve the problem either. he won't even punish guys. until guys like loduca, pettitte, matthews and others get suspended for 40 games baseball and selig will continue to be a joke.

football's day in the sun of scandal will come, but there's no doubt that they'll handle it better than baseball.


As I read about the Tammy Thomas BALCO-perjury trial I have 2 thoughts:

1. Why does only track eliminate steroid-tainted records?
2. Shouldn't every record with the THG-taint (the clear) be expunged from baseball, football, etc. Perhaps even those championships won with THG-tainted players.

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