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« Review from Stanford says HGH no benefit as PED | Main | Feds say juiced police problem getting bigger »



Marshall Masters

I feel that this is only an example of the many, many instances of abuse of authority. A police officer has the chance of incarcerating an individual for every crime possible. For there to be that much possibility for being a hypocrite, they should be tested perpetually, due to there exposure to all substances, let alone steroids. Its ridiculous. Nonetheless, the civilians are watching and cameras are small these days. They can't hide everything. One.


Give me a break there is no documented evidence of roid rage. If someone is jerk they will probably be more of a jerk on steroids. Wow it is ok to smoke and drink yourself to death but not take something that makes you bigger and stronger.

tommy boy

they should be legal for cops and military personel because u never know what u are going up against. i have fought ppl on meth, cocaine, and ppl with metal disorders and they all have incredible strength.i work out religigously and it does not matter they seem to have and advantage when they r on that shit why not even the odds a little.

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All charges arose from an FBI investigation that resulted in the indictment of over forty HMG members and associates last year.

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All charges arose from an FBI investigation that resulted in the indictment of over forty HMG members and associates last year.

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