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« Did MLB physician -- Cornell's Millman -- warn Rocker, I-Rod, A-Rod, and Palmeiro about steroids? | Main | Early Valentine: Roger Clemens testifies in Congress today. »




What is so bad about steroids that they need to be illegal?


What is so bad about steroids that they need to be illegal?

Michael Lee

Why do you think your blog gets so little in the way people commenting to your posts?

It's almost as if people don't seem to care.

Why do you suppose we aren't hearing more about that HS football player who was selling steroids?

Seems to me, in reality, that that story is much more important and actually impacts the lives of many more people.


Why does this blog receive 'so few comments'?
1. Maybe we are bad bloggers.
2. Maybe most people get their news about PEDs and steroids from the major news networks and ESPN who have hundreds/thousands of professional writers; we have one writer, sometimes 2, who actually have other duties, like seeing patients.
3. Maybe no one does care.

Why nothing about the high school player dealing 'roids? Seems like a regional story. People are much more interested in the daily Clemens news. It's American...

Malik Carr

How sad are we Americans then?

Nice tabloid you run here.

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As Clemens lobbies Congress,it seems the Rocket, if not shot down, appears to be on a slow burn to explosion.

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