10:30 Central. Missed some of this, because of dental appointment. Already discussed Cnaseco party with significant differences between BM and RC (Brian McNamee and Roger Clemens). Rep Tierny now grilling Clemens about statements he gave that appear not to be consistent in the past. Lawyer Rusty Hardin and Mrs. Clemens look very dire.
Rep Davis now grilling McNamee about bloody gauze pads. A representative is accusing McNamee of being a liar. This Congressman is really calling McNamee a big liar. He seems to be saying that McNamee is lying about Clemens and destroying Clemens's reputation. This is very OVERDONE!
10:45 Congressman from Mass grilling McNamee about the Clemens abscess. MRI from Clemens buttocks (gluts) now introduced. An independent radiologist concluded that the abscess in Clemens glut "compatible with Winstrol". WOW!
11:00 Everyone is now obsessing about the Clemens injection and buttocks injections. Congressmen apparently don't get it that B-12 injections don't commonly produce injuries, while steroids (oil based) do.
Congressman now aggressively grilling Mitchell Report writer Scheeler on the Canseco party. Congressman seem particularly irritable about this.
11:15 Now questions concern B-12 v. anabolic steroids. Congressman questioning both Mac and Clemens. McNamee says he never gave B-12, but did inject Clemens with Winstrol, testosterone and HGH, and he knew the colors of the liquids. Clemens said McNamee injected him with B-12.
Congressman Maloney says she is proud of Clemens's Yankee achievements and work with children. Gee, impartial isn't she? However she is grilling Clemens about his inconsistency concerning his stories about not talking to Mitchell.
Congressman from Indiana just said someone is lying here. He states that Knoblauch, Pettitte, and Radomski vouch for McNamee's truthfulness on this issue.
Clemens is now getting irritated about a question concerning his integrity. He gives a history of his hard work and his dedication. None of this pertains to PED use.
The Congressman asks which uniform Clemens will wear at the Hall of Fame. Starstruck, indeed. Get his autograph fro Ebay, sir.
11:30 Waxman now takes over. Waxman is saying that once contacted, Clemens's nanny said Clemens WAS AT the Canseco party, and in fact Clemens's family spent the night there.
HUGE exchange between Waxman and Rusty Hardin. Waxman now points out that Clemens invited his nanny to HIS HOME before her questioning by Congress. It is also pointed out that Clemens talked to the nanny about the party. This looks bad for Clemens. Witness tampering????
Despite rules against lawyers speaking in hearing, Both Hardin and Clemens other lawyer stood up and screamed at Chairman Waxman. What do these guys think? They can pump witnesses before the testimony. Sleazy!
Noon CST: 15 minute break At some point above, David COne's name was mentioned, which caused the Rep from Indiana to wonder about MLB management's role in the PED scandals.
Butt abscesses are a pain in the ass
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Posted by: ferragamo shoes | 03/10/2011 at 18:05
He states that Knoblauch, Pettitte, and Radomski vouch for McNamee's truthfulness on this issue.
Posted by: newport coast homes for sale | 07/20/2011 at 18:02
He seems to be saying that McNamee is lying about Clemens and destroying Clemens's reputation.
Posted by: quail hill irvine | 07/27/2011 at 23:35