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« This is why we have hearings on steroids and HGH in Congress | Main | Reports suggest soccer star Ronaldo's early steroid use led to current knee injuries »



Malik Carr


Are you serious?

Didn't the leaked Grand Jury testimony tell us that Bonds admitting to using "the clear" and "the cream". You wouldn't even have needed to read "Game of Shadows" to know that.

Again, can the Government prove that Bonds KNOWINGLY took steroids?

Because he claimed to not know that The Clear and The Cream were steroids when he took him.

Look, I know it's BS, but can the Govt. prove it?


My friend:

You touch on the critical question: 'what is knowingly' (which may not be a word).

No one 'knows' what is in the mind of another person. I served on a jury one year ago, which brought notice to the defendants attorney. "So you are a psypsypsychiatrist" he sputtered.

"Yes sure, although I object to your pronunciation" I replied.

"How do you determine truths and lies in your business" he probed.

"I don't", I replied. "I simply record the facts as told to me and as I observe, then present a plan for the approval of the patient and family".

And that is the point. A jury will be asked to look at statements, actions, and motives in this trial. As with McNamee v. Clemens, there is no royal path to the truth. And who knows what lurked in the mind of a fame-starved slugger?

Malik Carr

thanks for the response.

just to be clear, when I referred to BS, I was talking about Bonds' BS.

Ofcourse he is lying.

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That may be inculpatory evidence that Bonds used the juice before he testified he didn't 'knowingly' dope in the BALCO trial.

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