The huge news today included a devastating day on the college football gridiron as #1 Mizzou and #2 West Virginia lose, a nasty ice storm pounds the Midwest, and our weekly report on PEDs debut at Epic Carnival -- The 'Roid Report.
As we noted in a post last week, sports stories consist of 4 items now:
- Action on the field
- Contracts, free agents, and trades
- Legal troubles
- Steroids and PEDs
We should add these issues:
- Injuries
- and the BCS
The 'Roid Report will document the week in PEDs. Performance Enhancing Drugs appear here to stay, and here to cause scandal after scandal. We feel that the failure of society and leadership to come to grips with the ethics of scientific advances, and the limits of medical technology has led to the problems with PED use.
Rather than discuss how the managers in the front office of the teams, the athletes who play the games, the fans who watch the games, and the medical professionals who treat the athletes all think about performance enhancement, 'we' treat the issue like an exercise in forensics: bad boys and bad girls cheat.
There is an element of cheating in current PED use as the code of ethics is currently constructed. However, the use of PEDs should be discussed in terms of results, side effects, long term consequences, ethics, and economic feasibility. We hope we can advance this discussion.