, a great news site that shows connections between events and personalities, looks into the Mitchell Report. On Thursday Muckety connected the dealers and the players involved in the probe.
Today Muckey takes on the connections of Mitchell himself. The ex-Senator clearly sits in the power structure of MLB, the Govt, and even the sports entertainment industry.
Columnist Dan Shaughnessy of the Boston Globe argued that those links compromise Mitchell and his report.
“Mitchell again arrogantly dismissed his obvious conflict of interest by citing his good works and his efforts brokering peace in Northen Ireland,” Shaughnessy wrote. “It’s astounding that a man as smart as Mitchell can so easily shrug off his compromised position. He either has a blind spot or his thinks his audience is stupid.”
Describing Mitchell as “fifth on the depth chart of the Red Sox masthead,” Shaughnessy argues that the report “trashes some Yankee gods while leaving the championship Red Sox unscathed.”
Conflictsof interest exist everywhere; the acknowledgment and the resolution of these conflicts should prevent the authors from slanting the information presented or altering the conclusions in favor of one interest. As Muckety and Mitchell state:
“Judge me by my work,” Mitchell said of his baseball investigation. “Read the report.”
Just a quick correction: It's (not muckity).
Posted by: Laurie | 12/15/2007 at 18:50