The Drug Enforcement Agency appears to be working overtime. ABC News reports on a massive 'roid drug bust announced by the agency. (read the companion piece here)
Drug Enforcement Administration officials say they wrapped up the largest investigation of illegal steroid use in U.S. history, early this morning. An investigation which, they say, leads directly back to China.
Sources tell ABC News that a series of raids across the United States uncovered an extensive underground network of illegal laboratories, and large-scale marketing operations via the Internet.
This bust once again cites the link between China and illegal drugs in the USA.
More than 56 labs were targeted, with more than 120 arrests made in New York City, San Diego, Providence, Kansas City, and Houston.
Operation Raw Deal allegedly discovered millions of doses of anabolic steroids, human growth hormone, and other drugs worth tens of millions of dollars.
Investigators say they identified more than 30 companies in China, which allegedly supplied the chemicals needed to produce steroids.
According to DEA officials, the precursor drugs from China were shipped to the United States, where drug dealers would then use their labs to produce the finished steroids.
Although the quantity of illegal juice is impressive, we are reminded of the success the war on drugs enjoyed....little. We maintain the Gov't model of busting the source while ignoring the users generally may be efficient in use of resources, but likely does little to stem the tide of illegal drugs.
This country needs sports fraud laws to affect the end users. Otherwise what deterrent do the athletes who are drug-cheats face? Induction into the Hall of Fame is not a deterrent.
(more after the jump)
Underground Web sites, chat rooms, and message rooms marketed the drugs to young people and athletes.
The magnitude of the operations uncovered suggests that the customer base for illegal steroids is clearly in the thousands. And those taking the steroids without a doctor's prescription might not realize just how dangerous they are.
Officials say the drugs are often produced in unregulated, often filthy conditions.
Anabolic steroids can have serious side effects, such as strokes, blood clots, high blood pressure, heart disease, liver damage, and severe mood swings, including aggression.
The results of the probe are expected to be announced Monday in a series of press conferences around the country.
This country needs sports fraud laws to affect the end users. Otherwise what deterrent do the athletes who are drug-cheats face?
Posted by: legal steroids | 09/07/2008 at 14:43
I don't see that taking steroids to help your game is a bad thing or to help gain muscles. I do believe that you should be under a Doctor's care at the time of taking steroids though.
Posted by: anabolic steroids | 10/15/2009 at 21:45