So now politicians throw barbs about steroids around like accusations of higher taxes. John Edwards said this about Rudy Giuliani '“What Giuliani is, is George Bush on steroids.” (Rolling Stone)
We have shared an elevator with Rudy Giuliani. Rudy is no Arnold Schwarzenegger at all. He clearly needs steroids. Very weak pecs and lats. Edwards added:
Edwards said. “Giuliani, Romney and the rest of the Republicans running for the nomination are going to give the country four more years of crony capitalism, which is exactly what we have now. We have insurance companies and drug companies and oil companies running this government. They need to be stopped. And Giuliani just wants to empower them.”
Now that's a different issue altogether than steroids isn't it? Edwards accuses Giuliani of steroid use, and then ends up talking about gang activity. Where is the logic?
Meanwhile, The New York Daily News accuses Barack Obama of using steroids:
After taking hits for being eager to talk with any tyrant, Sen. Barack Obama yesterday rolled out a counterterror plan to show he can be tough, too - vowing to hunt down terrorists in Pakistan.
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) and others jumped on the Illinois Democrat and White House hopeful last month when he proclaimed he'd meet with hostile leaders such as Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, Cuba's Fidel Castro and Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Obama countered by mocking as "Bush-Cheney lite" Clinton's stance that she'd talk to dictators only under certain conditions.
But yesterday, Obama sounded like Bush on steroids, warning Pakistan President Gen. Pervez Musharraf to crack down on Al Qaeda safe havens in his country.
"Let me make this clear: There are terrorists holed up in those mountains who murdered 3,000 Americans. They are plotting to strike again," Obama said. "If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will."
President Bush's national security adviser, Frances Townsend, angered Pakistanis in July when she made similar comments.
"There must be no safe haven for terrorists who threaten America," Obama said. "We cannot fail to act because action is hard."
He also launched another scorching attack on Clinton, slamming lawmakers who, like her, backed "a dumb war." Obama said while he knew better, "the political winds were blowing" the way Clinton voted.
"Congress became co-author of a catastrophic war. And we went off to fight on the wrong battlefield," he said, then took a shot at Clinton's belief that America is safer now than before 9/11.
So Obama, apparently on-cycle, is taking on Pakistan then Hilary Clinton for good measure. Sounds like 'roid rage to us, although once again Obama hasn't really bulked up. Perhaps he is on a cutting cycle? Or maybe using EPO for endurance?
Only Al Gore looks like he is juicing. Hey anyone measure Gore's head and foot size? Interesting ticket...Gore and Bonds: Roids are Great for 2008.
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