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« Congressional hearings on pro wrestling | Main | Patriot's Rodney Harrison suspended for growth hormone (HGH) use »




Why is this article mentioning Edge as deceased? Did I miss something I thought he was out due to a legitimate injury? I copied this from the first paragraph of this article: "Also named were deceased wrestlers Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, and Edge Copeland, whose deaths tied to anabolic steroid use."


You're right about that. The article was poorly written and seemed to say Edge was dead. We are not experts are pro wrestling, and apologize on this. We changed the wording.


If the WWE keeps on suspending
some of there biggest stars, there going to runout.

wwe great

if this continues then we might expect the run out of wwe

Breast Enlargement

I think it's a nice way to share experience about health experiences so it would be helpful for others who are looking for some information about their issues.

Bob Behrer

I don't hear questions being asked of Linda McMahon, candidate for Senate in CT.

Interesting - the Senate studies these areas of medical, drug abuse and CT may send the owner to Washington to watch the hen house. How normal......

Big business wins again.

Bob Behrer

Timothy Burley

In my opinion, I think it's great that the WWE's health programs are comprehensive, but on the other hand, it is kind of funny how the investigation took that long to be done. Simply put, they can catch them after they've purchased and used, but they can't nip the bud.


Don't label me a "juice-head" for this; I've never used steroids, but other than media opinion and exaggeration, there's actually no evidence that any of the deceased wrestlers are dead due to steroid use. Eddie Guerrero, for instance, had a much larger history of narcotic and alcohol abuse than he did of steroid abuse. It's much more likely that his heart failed from the damage done by his narcotic abuse. It's actually sad because he had been sober for 4 years.

I don't know that there is an excuse for what Benoit did, but it reminds me a lot of the series finale of "The Shield" and what detective Vendrell did to his family.

Aside from all that, I really don't understand the reasoning behind having AAS on the level 3 controlled substance list. Really? It's as dangerous as Heroin? It's really only there because some other country called America cheaters when their athletes won some competition. On the cause list of "deaths per year," steroids are number 142. To put it in perspective, tobacco kills 5.4 million people a year. Steroids kill about 3, and usually because they don't know how to use them right. Hell, more people die each year because some doctor prescribed two drugs that don't play nice together than people who use steroids.

...just some fuel for the fire!

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