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Why didn't he ask the Dodgers about Guillermo Mota?


Because Mota failed a test? So doesn't everyone already know?


1. Because Mota plays for the Mets,

2. Mota really isn't a threat to break Cy Young's lifetime wins or Trevor Hoffman's lifetime saves marks :-)


Donald Hooton is full of sh+t. Steroids no more caused his son's suicide than Pop Tarts or the Three Stooges. The kid obviously suffered from a personality disorder, otherwise there'd be millions of steroid induced suicides a year in America. Donald is looking to alleviate his guilt for his failures, real and/or imagined, as a father. Easy to scapegoat steroids and even easier to blame athletes who've taken them. But it' would have done Mr. Hooton's soul a whole lot more good to have pulled his head out of his arse and looked in the mirror before he ran off to congress pointing fingers.

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