Home run king Barry Bonds wasted no time in whacking #757 last night, as he started on the long chase of Sadaharu Oh. Oh belted 868 homers in Japanese professional baseball. Bonds sits at 757, which leaves him 111 short of the global record. That should be about 4 years more putting Bonds at 47.
"Over the past 10 years, I'm sure he has struggled a lot physically, and there no doubt have
"Hitting home runs requires tenacity and passion for baseball while overcoming hardship, and I want to congratulate him from the bottom of my heart," he said.
Bonds wasn't so eloquent about Oh:
When Bonds was asked by a Japanese reporter if he could catch Oh, Bonds' response was simple. "Congratulations, Sadaharu Oh," he said.
Only 111 more to go, Barry...