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I know Dick Pound is or has stepped down from WADA, but let me tell a brief story about the hypocrit and power broker. In 1996, during the Olympics in Atlanta, Dick was the VP of the IOC, under the biggest IOC crook ever, Juan Antonio Samaranch. One evening in Buckhead during the Centennial games, Dick's wife was belligerent and drunk and jaywalking across Peachtree St, when she got detained by the police. She subsequently got arrested for a couple charges, public Intox, resisting arrest, and there was a third, related charge. This case never came to adjudication. In fact, it has been somehow wiped off of Atlanta Police records. Completely. I know this goes back several years now, and we're not talking any serious crimes here, but this is one more example of the influence peddler that is Dick Pound. From my memories of the bribes the IOC took when he was the VP, and why he DID NOT get voted to the President of the IOC, it is easy to see that he was as crooked as anybody in the Olympic movement has ever been.

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