Already a circus, BALCO, Bonds, and MLB now head toward cheesecake. Bond's ex-girlfriend, Kimberly Bell, who has stated Barry used steroids, may appear in Playboy this fall. (Signal to Noise link)
Not good news. Many speculate Bell could be a key Gov't witness should Bonds actually be tried for perjury. Bell knows as much about Bonds use of 'roids as anyone. However appearing in Playboy does not improve a witness' credibility.
Reports suggested for months now that Bell authored a book. Perhaps with the Bonds home run record chase, and a Playboy spread, Bell calculates she can cash in large on the Bonds' phenomenon.
The New York Times Murray Chass says Bell discussed Bonds' juicing with the Times:
It is not known what Bell has told the grand jury, but she told The New York Times in 2005 that Bonds told her he used steroids.
Bell has also said that she saw Bonds inject himself with steroids and apply creams that she knew to be steroid related.
Bell may be looking for a payday from her involvement with Bonds. From the Times again:
Bonds, according to Bell, asked her to move from San Francisco to Scottsdale, Ariz., the Giants’ spring training home in 2001. Bell said Bonds promised to give her $207,000 for a down payment on a house there but only gave her $80,000. She said that he instructed her to deposit the money in amounts of less than $10,000 to avoid having to report the money to the government.
Schmidt (apparently Bell's lawyer) said that Bell, through her appearance in Playboy, was finally getting the money she was promised.
“This is a payday she deserves and that Barry Bonds never got her,” Schmidt said. “All she got from Bonds was being dumped and lied to. There was a settlement discussion on the table, and he pulled it off the table and said, ‘I don’t care.’ He never showed any class after he asked her to move out of San Francisco.”
Schmidt, who has arranged similar high-profile photo spreads, would not say how much money she would receive from the magazine.
ESPN carried this quote from the 37 year-old:
"If I had more self-esteem when I was younger," she said, "I wouldn't have been caught up with such a rotten man."
Bulletin board material for the defense lawyers, huh?
We don't want a 'witch hunt' for juicers, however it would be interesting if everyone got their day in court to hear what really happened in BALCO. The characters in this sad play appear to be headed down weird paths since the original grand jury. Bonds' trainer Greg Anderson remains in jail because he won't testify against Bonds. Victor Conte is out of jail, presumably immune from prosecution. Now Kimberly Bell decides to cash in on her fame by posing in Playboy. We get a sinking feeling that BALCO will be like reverse Hamlet...everyone gets rich (except Anderson) off some tainted part of this mess, with the tragic part going to the American sports fan.
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Posted by: ugg outlet store | 10/28/2010 at 23:57
Why do guy's tell Gold Diggers' personal details about their life? It
always comes back to haunt them. Oh yea--sweet little Kim just annihilated bond today.
Posted by: free | 03/28/2011 at 17:06