In a tragic episode, pro wrestler Chris Benoit and family were discovered dead in their home Monday afternoon near Atlanta. Preliminary reports indicate Benoit strangled his wife and son, then hung himself. Reports from local police also indicate a significant amount of steroids were recovered from the residence. (ABC News story here; MSNBC Story here) (update here)
From Wrestling 101 on "The Canadian Crippler.":
WAGA, a FOX-owned and operated television station in Atlanta, reported that investigators believe Benoit killed his wife and 7-year-old son over the weekend, then himself on Monday.
The three bodies have been received by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation’s crime lab, in Decatur, Ga., where autopsies will be performed Tuesday morning. Toxicology reports will not become available for at least two weeks.
Wade Keller's Audio Summary from
He said it is being reported he suffocated his wife and son, perhaps a day apart. And then hung himself. Late Sunday night, he sent a strange text message to a person within the WWE. The police broke into the house at 2:30 pm today and found them in separate rooms...
-Alot of steroids were found in the Benoit household, and Benoit has had bouts with "roid rages". WWE may suffer publicly because of their unenforced "Wellness Policy".
The amount of drugs, alcohol, and PEDs -- including anabolic steroids -- has long been controversial in pro wrestling. Even the WWE boss, shyster Vince McMahon, admitted to personal anabolic steroid use in a 90's trial when he was sued for delivering 'roids to pro wrestlers.
Academics debate the validity of 'Roid Rage while pointing to studies with much much smaller doses of 'gear', than loaded in these gargantuan pro wrestlers. Lessons from real life, case studies as it were, should point to something: the dangerousness of these powerful pharmaceutics.
We follow this story with sad interest. TMZ link to history of violence.