In the past, Steroid Nation looked at the excess of death in former Pittsburgh Steelers. Many of the Steelers played on the line where a number of factors could add to morbidity and mortality: cardiac disease, weight gain, steroids, and concussions. In new autopsy data, physicians are finding tangles of nerve cells in the brain of these players (neurofibulary tangles). Similar neuropathological findings exist in the brains of patients with Alzheimer Dementia; however this is a new finding in relatively young ex-pro football players.
An excellent story in the New York Times says the condition -- chronic traumatic encephalopathy -- (CTE) kills ex-NFL players.
The images on the screen were of magnified brain tissue from her son, the former Pittsburgh Steelers offensive lineman Justin Strzelczyk, who was killed in a fiery automobile crash three years ago at age 36. Four red splotches specked an otherwise tranquil sea — early signs of brain damage that experts said was most likely caused by the persistent head trauma of life in football’s trenches.
Strzelczyk (pronounced STRELL-zick) is the fourth former National Football League player to have been found post-mortem to have had a condition similar to that generally found only in boxers with dementia or people in their 80s. The diagnosis was made by Dr. Bennet Omalu, a neuropathologist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. In the past five years, he has found similar damage in the brains of the former N.F.L. players Mike Webster, Terry Long and Andre Waters. The finding will add to the growing evidence that longtime football players, particularly linemen, might endure hidden brain trauma that is only now becoming recognized.
“This is irreversible brain damage,” Omalu said. “It’s most likely caused by concussions sustained on the football field.”
Dr. Ronald Hamilton of the University of Pittsburgh and Dr. Kenneth Fallon of West Virginia University confirmed Omalu’s findings of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a condition evidenced by neurofibrillary tangles in the brain’s cortex, which can cause memory loss, depression and eventually Alzheimer’s disease-like dementia. “This is extremely abnormal in a 36-year-old,” Hamilton said. “If I didn’t know anything about this case and I looked at the slides, I would have asked, ‘Was this patient a boxer?’
There were other complications with Strzelczyk too, including use of anabolic steroids:
Strzelczyk, 6 feet 6 inches and 300 pounds, was a monstrous presence on the Steelers’ offensive line from 1990-98. He was known for his friendly, banjo-playing spirit and gluttony for combat. He spiraled downward after retirement, however, enduring a divorce and dabbling with steroid-like substances, and soon before his death complained of depression and hearing voices from what he called “the evil ones.” He was experiencing an apparent breakdown the morning of Sept. 30, 2004, when, during a 40-mile high-speed police chase in central New York, his pickup truck collided with a tractor-trailer and exploded, killing him instantly.
The issue should be on the agenda of the NFL meetings next week. The past few weeks have seen Gene Upshaw spare with Mike Ditka and other retired NFL players over this issue, in part; some retired NFL players cannot pay their medical bills covering injuries suffered during their playing days. CTE will add fuel to that fire.
The former Steeler never complained of many concussions, however he may have experienced subclinical head trauma:
Omalu (a research physician) remained confident that the damage was caused by concussions Strzelczyk might not have reported because — like many players of that era — he did not know what a concussion was or did not want to appear weak. Omalu also said that it could have developed from what he called “subconcussive impacts,” more routine blows to the head that linemen repeatedly endure.
The researchers continue to investigate other players possibly suffering from CTE; they also founded an institute to further the cause:
Two months ago, Omalu examined the brain tissue of one other deceased player, the former Denver Broncos running back Damien Nash, who died in February at 24 after collapsing following a charity basketball game. (A Broncos spokesman said that the cause of death has yet to be identified.) Omalu said he was not surprised that Nash showed no evidence of C.T.E. because the condition could almost certainly not develop in someone that young. “This is a progressive disease,” he said.
Omalu and Nowinski said they were investigating several other cases of N.F.L. players who have recently died. They said some requests to examine players’ brain tissue have been either denied by families or made impossible because samples were destroyed.
Bailes, Nowinski and Omalu said that they were forming an organization, the Sports Legacy Institute, to help formalize the process of approaching families and conducting research. Nowinski said the nonprofit program, which will be housed at a university to be determined and will examine the overall safety of sports, would have an immediate emphasis on exploring brain trauma through cases like Strzelczyk’s. Published research has suggested that genetics can play a role in the effects of concussion on different people.
“We want to get a idea of risks of concussions and how widespread chronic traumatic encephalopathy is in former football players,” Nowinski said. “We are confident there are more cases out there in more sports.”
On the HBO concussion special, Nowinski admits he has white spots on his brain in MRI.
In his address to the MA brain injury meetings he states, "I got kicked in the chin" also on chronicle. One theory is, His repeated concussions from blows to the jaw have led to the white spots. Vasa spasms are commonly found in boxers, Andre Waters, soldiers and
are known precursors to Parkinson's, Alzheimers and brain decease.
Because of the similarity in chin strap design, Soldiers in Iraq with Multiple IED exposure are developing these Vasa spasms. Ted Johnson recently stated on WEEI in Boston, he does not have these white spots or Vasa spasms. He also said he wore the Maher mouth guard for all of his thirty concussion events. The question is, does this procedure protect against vasa spasms also.
Tufts is now forming a study to find out. Yet no contact from the NFL for funding, just a grant rejection letter from Gene Upshaw and others. Ira Casson, Vianno were all investigators on the Riddell revolution study program with Pellman. They are deliberately stonewalling the media, ESPN, HBO about what really happened and why
we no nothing more about preventing concussion than before the studies. No mention of Labyrinthine concussion or the Boxers "Glass Jaw". Even though its initial study confirmed 70% of concussions originated at the earhole down to the chin strap or TMJ. A study from 1934 on this area of the skull would lead one to the conclusion it should be protected, 2007 and they are still in the dark. I believe it was the basis for Stengers studies at Notre Dame in the 1960's.
Tufts is the pioneer of TMJ research and should be consulted on this. The NFL has a perfect opportunity to fund an independent study with them, yet we only get a stonewall and the silent treatment from Goodell and his people. One bright spot is the work of Mike Haynes. He has connected the mouth guard with the commissioner of the Arena football league. The owners, primarily NFL owners, have widely accepted the mouth guard and seem to be in the dark on the intricasies of the concussion committee's activities. It is Now the official mouth guard of the arena league and, at this point, won't be present at the Concussion summit in Chicago. Why?
Posted by: mark | 06/15/2007 at 17:45
I was recently diagnosed with brain atrophy and apparant CTE. I was told conditions like mine are not usually seen as advanced in men my age, I am 59.
Over the last year or so i have experienced dramatic altering in my outlook, demeanor, fatigue issues, as well as my memory functions.
I have suffered, as I count them, 7 concussions through the last 35 years, with each getting more difficult to recover from. The third one back, I was out on my feet for seven days and then, never have recalled all events of the impact. In the last year I experienced two of the seven concussions and at this juncture been told I probably have an increasingly short time to be reacting in a normalcy mode. I am now personally aware of the speed of the changes in myself.
I experienced all of my concussion trauma from sports activities, but not only football. The first was from an accidental fall as a pre teen, the next three from football, the next was baseball related, the next two from minor spills on motorcycles. In fact, my bell was also rang real well from a fall while snow skiing.
It is my feeling that the effects of concussions are very real and can be associated to many parts of an active life. I do recall the effects of each of my experiences bringing on a deeper level of damage and greater concern.
Now, the future light is dimming a bit, however.
Genetically, I am a part of a family where dementia, parkinsons, and alzheimers exist and now I wonder what the true cause of the genetic predisposition is about. Did the trauma come before the symptoms or vice versa?
Posted by: Gene Sartin | 09/03/2007 at 19:11
I have had 9 concussions 2 traumatic brain injurys, I was in a coma
and was fortunate to come back! After 2 years of rehab I feel at
57 that I am losing my grip! I am ashamed but who should I get help
from, Eddie
Posted by: eddie dozier | 04/06/2011 at 13:18
I have several MBT's, they are great to keep the impact off your knees and propel you to walk faster. the straps need to be broken in because they tend to cut in regardless of the size of your foot. overall another great MBT. accept no subitutes.
Posted by: Discount Mbts | 04/14/2011 at 02:53