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Gary Morris


I think it is important to inform you of some facts about the credit you give to Bill Parcells for this years Dallas Cowboys teams success. Here are some missed facts:
1. When Parcells arrived, Jerry Jones changed the amount of input from coaches in making draft picks. He actually reversed the input from coaches and insisted the team of Jeff Ireland, who had observed the picks all year, have the most input. Parcells was only a third of the input and not "the" most "weighted" third.
2. Sean Peyton and others had commented after the Saints killed the 'Boys that they could "count on where and how the defense would line up on any given play" and therefore the blowouts at the end of last year were a direct result of Parcells being to "vanilla" in his defensive scheme. (Zimmer, complained mightily to Parcells to allow more flexibility, but to no avail.)
3. Parcells "two-gap" put the defense in a "read-and-react" disadvantage, compared to the Phillips "one-gap" technique.
4. Parcells "pressure" on the players had them all "walking on egg shells" and guys played for "stats" instead of playing "for the team" and their teammates like they do under Phillips.

And so, there you have it. It is not "Parcells" team, but rather "Jeff Irelands" team, and the reason for this years success is the carry over from Tony Soprano’s offense and Phillips defense and not because Parcells was so good with drafting.

Jerry Jones said Bill had brought some sound Management techniques that he has since adopted, but you certainly give Bill too much credit for this years success. Bill was as he said often "what his record said he was."

He helped turn the team around by some of his management techniques, but not by his defensive skills, that’s for sure. He was right to install the 3-4, but he sure didn’t know how to properly run it. There is a reason he has not won a Super Bowl without Belichick, his defensive genius, but Belichick has won it often without him.

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