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Rachel Arteaga

Reminder (& reality check): Bowie Kuhn, the MLB commissioner at the time, didn't attend when Henry Aaron beat the old record. So there is a precedent.

This is true. Babe Ruth didn't show up. Did Don Fehr?

However, isn't it a bit weird that the Comissioner of Baseball doesn't show up when a huge record is passed? I don't think your observation is as much a reality check, as a sad commentary on what passes for diplomacy in MLB history.

Who showed up when Cal Ripkin passed Lou Gerhig?

Monkey Do

We demand that you add us to the list of people who will not be attending the Bonds home run record game. Don't make us fling our feces at you, we mean it.

From the Nation: Monkey Do will not be attending the Bonds game, thus reducing the agitated frenzy for the EBay ball....

Colton Mac

I would love to be there with my shirt "Screw Everybody - I love Bonds" - check it out at
Love it! And, I'd love to be sitting near an asterisk - maybe my beer won't accidentally soak their shirt so they'll have to change into one of mine...


Gave back to Aaron his titlle for the 750 home run.Bond cheert to everybody special kids

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