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« Sins of the MLB fathers: Why do second generation MLB players juice? | Main | More on Matthews Jr.; Doctors name on his prescriptions also on pro wrestlers steroids/HGH »



Daniel Kinsman

Every sports team whether baseball or football or basketball has a team doctor or great health plans to stay in shape. These poor wrestlers make great money but have nothing in ways of health care or doctors and must pay out of pocket for health care. They too are professional athletes and deserve good health care and doctors. They get more banged up then other pro sports and if they had medical care they would not turn to steroids.

From the Nation: I would say the pro wrestlers are entertainers, but your point is well taken. Steroids and health care are related but different issues. However, what you say is true...the wrestlers need better medical advice.


Invertir en oro

hello, i would like to read more information about this topic because i think that is very interesting.

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