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EPO and heart attacks...Hmm...Given what appears to be widespread doping in such sports as baseball, should we look back at oddly timed heart attacks of players over the last 10-15 years? Off the top of my head I can think of a prominent one in 2002.

From the Nation:

There is one other little discussed issue in baseball: HGH also has cardiac side effects.

James said ....

EPO is not a steroid, it's a hormone. It benefits endurance athletes like distance runners, triathletes and cyclists. It does not benefit baseball or football players.

I understand what you're saying about people like Caminitti. But, the world of PEDs is wide and the current list of banned drugs runs in the hundreds. Let's not confuse our PEDs.

We need to write up the inside on HGH. It would be very interesting.

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I am beginning to really lose all faith and credibility in the FDA. It seems to me that instead of focusing their efforts on protecting the general public they are in-turn being influenced by corporate agenda and special interest. I take everything they say with a grain of salt.


Once I first head of MBT shoes, it took me months to try a pair, because they are pricey. But once I did, they were so comfortable and helped my sore back and feet so much, that there was no going back. I lived in various MBT styles nine months of the year, but summertime was for my Keen San Mateo sandals. I still love the Keens, but I was starting to have sore feet and back in the summer. I had the Kisumu's for walking, but I wanted something more attractive, so I tried the Habaris. I've mostly been living in the Habaris all summer now. Are they as comfortable as other MBTs? No. Are there some problems? Yes. The straps by the toes cut into my little toes a bit, and the shoe is loose overall on my foot - if I adjust it to be tighter, it's not comfortable. But these are the ones I put on day after day. I hope that some day MBT designs a sandal that has the stylish covered toe with cut-outs of the Keen San Mateo and with the other features of the Habari. It will be stylish, comfy, and perfect for summer.


For MBTs they were actually kind of cute. I have arthritis in my feet but they felt great. It did rub my bunion so I had to send them back. But I ordered a different style.

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I really like these boots. Because I have to wear inserts from a bilateral foot deformity I usually cannot get "cool" boots but these worked very well!

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This is totally truth because most of the athletes in these days use to use different medicines to feel better and reaching a high performance so it could be lethal for them specially if they use EPO.m10m

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I myself are avoiding these types of pills. They will do no good for me.

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You guys eliminate it real unproblematic for all the folks out there.

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