They started out as teammates on the football team. They ended up as a badass gang on steroids. It's Fight Club in SoCal. Here from the North Coast Times the story unfolds.
The latest chapter in gang violence unfolded recently with the arrests of 11 men and one teenager, including several former members of the Murrieta High School football squad. Calling themselves the Murrieta Fight Club, this group of steroid-fueled bullies is accused of using intimidation and physical violence to commit acts of armed robbery, burglary, false imprisonment, vehicle theft, arson, witness intimidation and assault. According to Murrieta police Lt. Dennis Vrooman, this gang of tough guys preyed on individuals "who can be easily victimized."
This gang developed as a football team went on 'roids.
Police say that this gang was created during the 2004-05 school year by a group of Murrieta Valley High School football players. Tim Hales, supervisor of the gang task force, said that "the members began injecting steroids to enhance their performance on the field and started calling themselves Fight Club, creating dog tags and ball caps with the initials 'FC.'" One can only wonder how these alleged behaviors escaped detection by the football coaches, school administrators and the parents of those arrested.
The article discusses the role of 'roids in the sordid affair.
The role steroids played in the alleged criminal activities of this gang needs to be closely investigated. Steroid use leads to devastating physical and emotional damage, including uncontrolled aggression. This might help explain the vicious physical assaults authorities say these thugs perpetrated on unsuspecting victims.
Did the football coaches know, or care about the illicit activities? Sounds like they will soon find themselves on the hot seat in a SoCal courtroom.
Apparently, the Murrieta football coaches at that time either did not know or simply chose to ignore the extent of steroid use in their athletes. With steroid use estimated between 6 percent and 11 percent for high school males, according to the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, it is incumbent upon school officials to educate coaches as well as students to the dangers of using performance-enhancing drugs.
As with most situations, the genesis of such behavior is complex and not totally due to the abuse of steroids alone. Factors include: A culture tolerant of gang activity, a subgroup assuming power, mixed with the muscle and perhaps the psychological effects of 'roids.
A sideline may be the legal implications of this episode originating in the high school locker room. The Nation talked before about the culpability of coaches and mentors when things go wrong. Could a victim of this gang sue the high school for negligence and civil damages? Probably.
I know most of these boys and their parents. The problems with aggression did not happen at school, although I have now heard that there were problems at parties. These boys graduated last year (2006). I wouldn't be too quick to blame the parents or coaches. They're all good people and diligent in their parenting/coaching responsibilities.
Posted by: Murrieta Resident | 02/20/2007 at 20:57
I know some of these kids as well, I went to high school with some of these kid, and I graduated in 2003. The real problem is that these kids have a lack of proper discipline. They have a complex of the untouchable athlete that can get away with anything. Another major issue is that the parents do not believe that their children are ever capable of doing such things, in reality we all have the capability to do horrible stuff. What keeps most of us from crossing the line is the penalties and consequences of are actions. We learn this cycle growing up in life, it is up to the parents of the children to take an active roll in discipling their children, and not ignoring bad behavior. In my opinion the parents are responsible, most or all these kids still live in their parents house. So you can ask yourself were are the parents at why do they anything earlier to stop the progression of criminal acts?
Posted by: Murrieta graduate | 02/27/2007 at 20:05
Notice how both of the above comments both start out with "I know", you fools dont know shit.
Comment from The Nation:
Seems like both commentators know some things. I would say you commentator there, are 'the fool'. (this will be taken down in a day or so)
Posted by: JOHN | 03/11/2007 at 23:36
I graduated from MVHS in 2000 and I was pretty shocked to hear this news, I know some of them through other friends but none of them I would consider a friend or an acquaintance. In a bed room community like Murrieta, where nothing happens, this was pretty big news to those who listened. With the allegations against Landis, this fight club and the fact that Barry Bonds once lived in Murrieta this community is a hot spot for Steroids. Sadly I myself met Bonds and Landis locally in Murrieta.
Posted by: MVHS Grad | 03/16/2007 at 23:29
Most of these guys actually didn't graduate, if they did it was in 2005, most of these guys weren't athletes, and none of these guys were in a gang. Groups from other cities started mouthing off and when that happened there was serious consequences, if you cant back it up keep your mouth shut. This was a motto that most of us went by and it was put to the test more often then not, by some hotheaded punks thinking it was okay to run their mouth and call some of our friends, Nigger, Spic, etc. Now you tell me you wouldnt want to smash someone if you were called this, well we did smash someones, alot of someones. I obviously dont agree with any of the robberies, bugularies, arson, etc. but gang affiliation, i mean come on, we were a bunch of homies who had to listen to people run their mouth, when that happened they got ran over, simple as that.
Posted by: Brent | 05/14/2008 at 16:58
ok i know ALL of these guys and they were my friends andddd the football coach did know they were on steroids and didnt do shit about it!
Posted by: | 11/10/2008 at 16:31
Thanks for the marvelous posting!This info is just what i was looking for.I am deeply moved by what you said today.Hope we can become good friends, and exchange and to help each other!
Posted by: christian louboutin online | 06/12/2012 at 10:27