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Wasn't Bostock killed while in the company of another man's wife? And that other man was the killer?

It's hard to address the issue without risking perceived racism, but these incidents are not happening outside of Honky Tonks. If trouble frequents where you go, expect for there to be trouble. Steve Foley is an exception, having been shot by an apparently overzealous idiot.


I didn't know this about Bostock, but he was in the company of his 'uncle's goddaughter'. I don't know who else was in that car in 1978, however the 'goddaughter's estrangled husband' shot Bostock in the temple with a .410. The killer, Leonard Smith was not convicted of murder, but was sent to a mental institute for insanity. He was out in about 20 months in 1980.

gene upsahw

man, you are such and NFL apologist.

you're big into gambling, aren't you?

c'mon, admit it.



What's the line on the title games today?

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