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get over it.and start to be a good kicker.we need a good kicker in the playoffs

Chris Edwards

For those of you who don't know Mr. FakePunts:

As I told the editor from Winnipeg; Although I punted a 5.63 second hang time punt at the Stampeders 2009 tryout and a 5.9 sec. 52 yarder, wind aided, timed by two witnesses two days prior (hang times only produced by a small number of current NFL punters such as Shane Lechler, Andy Lee, Mike Scifres, Matt Turk ... and yet its likely none of them have hit a 6.0 this year, ... with passing skills that are still above and beyond all other punters), I'm getting attention, but not the serious attention I'm looking for... Since the Blue Bombers refused to allow me to tryout in Deland this year...It looks like I'll have to come back next year for both the NFL and CFL open camps, with a record breaking, mind blowing, semi-consistent 6.0-6.2 sec. hang time punts and we'll see what happens...

4/6/09 WFTV Channel 9 Orlando - Sports at 9 - Chris Edwards: "Working On A Dream -38-year-old punter/quarterback looks for his place in pro football."

Although Sports Anchor Joe Kepner only filmed 2 punts on camera, where he was able to track the football hang time from foot-to-ground, (the punt on the preview news coverage, on the website), was a 5.0 second hang time punt. A punt on the full story was a 4.2. Just a few punts later (the punt aired twice near the end of the full story), I launched a monster 5.63+ at 50+ yards net with a 1.00 sec. hand-to-foot (which is probably a faster avg. getoff than all of the above punters, given my unique 1 1/2 step punting style). After that punt I turned and said... "take that one to the bank".

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