Never accuse the Nation of under-hyperbole. We are learning as we go on. We were never quite sure whether a unicycle had one wheel or two, or same with bicycle, tricycle....we know now.
The Euro Cycling scandal continues. Lefevere promises to sue, somebody, anybody (story at VeloNews):
Lefevere called the allegations "complete nonsense and bullshit" and told Belgian radio he will sue the newspaper for 50 million euros...
Lefevere could find himself in a pickle if Belgian authorities decide to investigate the allegations laid down by the newspaper. As president of the professional teams association, Lefevere has been a big supporter of the ProTour Ethics Code, which calls for riders to be sidelined while under investigation. He also heavily criticized Manolo Saiz, ex-manager of Liberty Seguros, as well as Floyd Landis and Discovery Channel for signing Ivan Basso.
Also reported in Velo News, Dick Pound has asked the French Anti-doping agency to delay action against Floyd Landis.
"In December we asked the French agency to suspend its inquiry into Floyd Landis until the end of the American anti-doping procedure," said WADA's Pound. "They seem ready to do that, although without renouncing their judicial rights."
Indeed, although agreeing to a temporary suspension, AFLD is due to convene on February 8 to consider Landis's case. And it is in a hurry to have the case brought to a conclusion.
"The test happened in July; we're almost in February," a spokesman for the agency said. "As far as we know, USADA's next meeting is scheduled for March and we don't know how long it (the Landis inquiry) will take.
"WADA has made a request, but we will apply the law."
The developments in European cycling occur now fast and furious. We don't feel we can comment at this point. We have some inside sources, and will be talking to them soon.
As an editorial comment, everyone would be much better off if Steroid Nation had no material, which would mean no doping, nor doping controversies. Many issues in the world today are spinning out of control. The latest events suggest that doping is one of those issues, although less dangerous than the political hot spots. Nonetheless, we long for the halcyon days of no doping scandals, or no WDA controversies, or no steroid-tainted records; however that is a pipe-dream as it seems someone always wants to cheat to win.
Perhaps the Nation can compose a 'State of the Anabolic Union Address'?
Great blog! I'm enjoying it a great deal. Do you have any way to send along doping-related news stories your readers might find and think you'll like. For example,
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