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Greg C.

Cold medicine has never helped me run faster.


'Cold medicine' means different things. If you take a load of a sympthomimetic like pseudoephedrine, odds are that the drug will work like a stimulant, thus improving your performance.

If you take something with an anti-histamine drug, like most 'cold medicines' your performance may deteriorate.

The anti-doping lists are put together by experts who know the drugs. The effects depend upon drug and dose.



Does anyone have any more information of the "Stewart secretly failed a drugs test the year before" allegation? Any links to any articles etc?

Chris Cooper

Did anyone respond to Toyracers question about Ray Stewart?. This web page seems to be the source of the comment about Ray Stewart failing a test in 1987. I think it was made up by someone, but would be happy to be disillusioned if someone can cite a source?


your gay

radii supras

Now we have a great walkway that goes to the beach and to the canals that came from the partnership of community with government

belstaff chaquetas

let's join our hands together to stop this kind of wrong doings. It may risk lives in the future if we just let them continue.

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