An Australian Newspaper - found here - talks about Trevor Graham, and his track club called "Sprint Capital" (website here. )
The elite sprinters who believe in the gospel of Graham as a coach entrust their images, bodies and careers to a man who ratted out his rivals when he mailed anti-doping officials a syringe containing an undetectable designer steroid that triggered the BALCO scandal.
Now US federal investigators may turn on the turncoat by investigating Graham for perjury in a scandal of his own making.
The track universe's hopefuls are enthralled by Graham's close attention to detail as he dissects their body's form, even though he never seems to know just how steroids formed in their test samples.
Now Graham is using a butler-did-it excuse by blaming a scorned masseuse for sabotaging Gatlin with a testosterone rub.
So let's review: Graham stands within six degrees of every track doping indignity, acted as a whistleblower with a motive, and is a suspected fabulist in the eyes of federal agents and anti-doping officials.
This article may be from the New York Times, although I could not find it at the Times site.